About Hokmah

Hokmah Golf Club was formed in the beginning by the Almighty Himself. Located on the Isle of Mashal, and originally known as Eden, the club and the course were absolute perfection for many centuries.

Island of Mashal in the Orkney Islands

However, the club sadly fell victim to mismanagement by the original superintendent and his team. The paradise known as Eden Golf Club was gone. Weeds and worse grew up in what had been a perfect garden of peace. Eventually the Great Flood covered the old course and everyone presumed that Eden was gone forever. 

Fortunately, one man had the vision to save the majestic old links, and thanks to Noah, the place now known as Hokmah Golf Club was resurrected and restored. 

Simply stated, Hokmah is the greatest golf venue on earth. While St. Andrews makes its claim to be the home of golf, the authentic home of golf and even life itself is Hokmah.

The wisest people in the history of the world have made their home at Hokmah, where a visit can change your life forever, if you have ‘ears to hear’ and ‘eyes to see’. No person should leave the earth until he or she has experienced the sights and sounds and spirit of Hokmah Golf Club.